Tuesday, 24 August 2010

It's all happening in Brentford

Brentford has become an even livelier place - eco squatters moved onto empty land - waiting to be developed near Kew Bridge, and a sub group of them have moved into local mp Ann Keen's house; our children have become involved. This is a very interesting situation - some children are allowed to go, some have been urged not to, but go anyway. Some friends are supporters of Ann Keen, and some not. Interesting times and time to write my blog again.

All this excitement is happening at the same time as the 4th meeting of Book Group Two; indeed, our children invaded the book group several times to ask if they could go, and the answer was yes with varying degrees of enthusiasm from parents. I think it's a great thing so far; teenagers, the same ones that we have encouraged to be free-thinking, going to look at ways people are trying to live an alternative and sustainable lifestyle, getting away from their computers and doing these things within walking distance. Even the local police have been supportive of the squatters at both sites, some saying they would bring their families there to have a look later.

Anyway - Book Group Two- Ruth,  I  and others have tried to enforce the one person speaking at a time rule as in we go round the room with each person speaking in turn re: their impressions of the book...this is being met by some resistance from others. We will stand firm. It worked really well this time and it was good being able to hear everybody's views before enthusiastic chaos set in.

Must go, off to face the boiling day ahead; more soon
Our most recent book was Snow by Orhan Pamuk and a very lively discussion

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